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Mount Carmel Area High School

Address: 600 W 5th St.

Mount Carmel, PA 17851
Mascot: Red Tornadoes
Male population: 228
Female population: 205
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game stats: 6/3/2024
No scores available at this time.

Dudick, Josh 0Running Back
Harding, Jackson 0Running Back
Adams, Tait 7Running Back Senior
Adams, Andrew 31Tight End Senior
Adams, Landen 18Wide Receiver Senior
Bailey, Al 28Running Back Senior
Balichik, Chase 1Wide Receiver Senior
Balichik, Matthew 2Quarterback Senior
Blessing, Luke 24Running Back Senior
Boblick, Hunter 9Running Back Senior
Deitz, Aiden 26Running Back Senior
Lukoskie, Andrew 12Wide Receiver Senior
Miller, Ben 29Running Back Senior
Morgante, Jon 30  Senior
Schoppy, Robert 42Tight End Senior
Velazquez, Daniel 13Wide Receiver Senior
Wolkoski, Brady 27Running Back Senior
Yagodzinskie, Drew 6Tight End Senior
Berezovski, Thomas 45Running Back Junior
Kimsal, Michael 4Running Back Junior
Marshalek, Gavin 16Quarterback Junior
Poe, Dylan 40  Junior
Bonin, Will 0Full Back Sophomore
Brown, Keegan 27  Sophomore
Delaney, Jaylen 6Wide Receiver Sophomore
Karycki, Max 9  Sophomore
Karycki, Cooper 21  Sophomore
Noel, Ezekiel 14  Sophomore

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