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Canton High School

Address: 139 E. Main St.

Canton, PA 17724
Mascot: Warrior
Male population: 150
Female population: 144
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latest game stats
Friday, August 23, 20241234OTFinal

Team statsPlayer stats
Offense StatisticsCANNW
Extra Pts Att 6 0
Extra Pts Made 6 0
FG Att 0 0
FGs Made 0 0
First Downs 17 12
Pass Att 10 21
Pass Comp 6 11
Pass INTs 1 0
Pass TDs 1 1
Pass Yds 144 yards 139 yards
Rec TDs 1 1
Rec Yds 144 yards 139 yards
Receptions 6 11
Return Yardage 0 yards 0 yards
Rush Att 30 27
Rush TDs 5 0
Rush Yds 250 yards 110 yards

Defense StatisticsCANNW
Def INTs 0 1
Sacks 0 0
Tackles 0 0

Click for game summary.

Burgess, 0 
Gardner, 0 
McRoberts, 0 
Wesneski, 0 
Beers, Michael 75Center Senior
Colton, Zach 84Wide Receiver Senior
Fitch, Ben 8Quarterback Senior
Frisbie, Lakota 56Tackle Senior
Guindon, Thomas 86Wide Receiver Senior
Holcomb, Aydin 10Running Back Senior
Kreppeneck, Kevin 51Tackle Senior
Luner, Joe 69Outside Linebacker Senior
Ward, Holden 2Wide Receiver Senior
Williams, Talin 72Tackle Senior

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