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Troy High School

Address: 250 High St.

Troy, PA 16947
Mascot: Trojan
Male population: 239
Female population: 219
Recent scores
Troy 35, Riverside 14

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latest game stats
Friday, November 29, 20241234OTFinal

Team statsPlayer stats
Offense StatisticsTRIV
Extra Pts Att 5 2
Extra Pts Made 5 2
FG Att 0 1
FGs Made 0 0
First Downs 7 12
Pass Att 4 28
Pass Comp 4 11
Pass INTs 0 3
Pass TDs 1 1
Pass Yds 98 yards 121 yards
Rec TDs 0 1
Rec Yds 98 yards 121 yards
Receptions 4 11
Return Yardage 0 yards 0 yards
Rush Att 32 31
Rush TDs 3 1
Rush Yds 126 yards 122 yards

Defense StatisticsTRIV
Def INTs 3 0
Sacks 0 0
Tackles 0 0

Click for game summary.


Season offense stat totals
PlayerRush AttRush YdsRush TDsReceptionsRec YdsRec TDsPass CompPass AttPass INTsPass YdsPass TDsExtra Pts MadeExtra Pts AttFGs MadeFG Att2-point conv. rushes2-point conv. receptions2-point conv. passesFumbles returned for TDKickoffs returned for TDPunts return for TDReturnsReturn Yardage
Smith, Mason618000000000000000000000
Millard, Kael36000000000000000000000
Woodward, Evan7131000440981000000000000
Chimics, Justice000235000000000000001000
Frye, Joseph00000000000000000000000
Palmer, Reed13000000000000000000000
Gilliland, Brendan15862263000000000000000000
Lykon-Leffler, Gavin00000000000550000000000

Season defense stat totals
PlayerDef INTsINTs returned for TDSacksTackles
Smith, Mason0000
Millard, Kael0000
Woodward, Evan1000
Chimics, Justice1000
Frye, Joseph1000
Palmer, Reed0000
Gilliland, Brendan0000
Lykon-Leffler, Gavin0000

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