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Old Forge High School

Address: 300 Marion St.

Old Forge, PA 18518
Mascot: Blue Devils
Male population: 126
Female population: 96
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latest game stats
Friday, November 1, 20241234OTFinal
Holy Cross0070-7
Old Forge2119613-59

Team statsPlayer stats
Offense StatisticsHCOF
Extra Pts Att 0 8
Extra Pts Made 0 5
FG Att 0 0
FGs Made 0 0
First Downs 4 10
Pass Att 8 10
Pass Comp 4 9
Pass INTs 1 0
Pass TDs 0 6
Pass Yds 21 yards 187 yards
Rec TDs 0 6
Rec Yds 21 yards 187 yards
Receptions 4 9
Return Yardage 0 yards 0 yards
Rush Att 23 14
Rush TDs 0 2
Rush Yds 82 yards 131 yards

Defense StatisticsHCOF
Def INTs 0 1
Sacks 0 0
Tackles 0 0

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Gaston, Michael 20 
DiMattia, TJ 18Quarterback Senior
Hewitt, Nick 22Running Back Senior
Krushnowski, Cael 5Running Back Senior
Marsico, Lorenzo 77Offensive Line Senior
Novak, Ryan 3Quarterback Senior
Pero, Frank 7Wide Receiver Senior
Rodriguez, Isiah 12Tight End Senior
Rosado, Richard 62Offensive Line Senior
Cistola, Josh 10Kicker Junior
Decker, Grayson 88Wide Receiver Junior
Lucarelli, Jake 66Offensive Line Junior
Michaylo, Noah 56Offensive Line Junior
Olmos, Tomas 74Offensive Line Junior
Rasmus, Chris 4Running Back Junior
Solfanelli, Robby 1Quarterback Junior
Wozniak, Will 53Offensive Line Junior
Cupil, Savion 21Wide Receiver Sophomore
McNichols, Gavin 58Offensive Line Sophomore
Rodriguez, Dominick 57Offensive Line Sophomore
Castaldi, Elio 34Wide Receiver Freshman
Churla, Daniel 55Offensive Line Freshman
Cologero, Cameron 81Wide Receiver Freshman
Dominick, Joey 42Tight End Freshman
Gutowski, Ryan 8Running Back Freshman
Marsico, Daunte 63Offensive Line Freshman
Pezzuti, Bobby 11Wide Receiver Freshman
Price, Liam 75Offensive Line Freshman
Williams, Sean 23Wide Receiver Freshman

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Retrieving standings...
(L) = in-league record. (O) = overall record.
RankTeamW (L)L (L)W (O)L (O)Dist. Pts.
1 Abington Heights 00220
2 Delaware Valley 00040
3 Scranton 00400
4 Scranton Prep 00310
5 Valley View 00310
6 Wallenpaupack 00310
7 North Pocono 00310