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Carbondale Area Jr/Sr High School

Address: 101 Brooklyn St.
Business Route 6
Carbondale, PA 18407
Mascot: Chargers
Male population: 202
Female population: 184
Recent scores
Wyoming Area 49, Carbondale Area 0
Carbondale Area 24, Old Forge 13
Carbondale Area 22, Susquehanna 12
Riverside 17, Carbondale Area 8
Lackawanna Trail 39, Carbondale Area 6
Carbondale Area 43, Montrose 6
Dunmore 7, Carbondale Area 6
Carbondale Area 28, Holy Cross 0
Carbondale Area 45, Holy Redeemer 7
Carbondale Area 26, Nanticoke Area 0
Lakeland 40, Carbondale Area 18

Upcoming games
No upcoming games for the selected sport/season.

game stats: 10/18/2024
Friday, October 18, 20241234OTFinal
Carbondale Area00616-22

Team statsPlayer stats
Offense StatisticsSUSCAR
Extra Pts Att 0 0
Extra Pts Made 0 0
FG Att 0 0
FGs Made 0 0
First Downs 11 13
Pass Att 18 5
Pass Comp 8 3
Pass INTs 0 1
Pass TDs 1 0
Pass Yds 128 yards 70 yards
Rec TDs 0 0
Rec Yds 128 yards 70 yards
Receptions 8 3
Return Yardage 0 yards 0 yards
Rush Att 36 40
Rush TDs 1 3
Rush Yds 125 yards 136 yards

Defense StatisticsSUSCAR
Def INTs 0 0
Sacks 0 0
Tackles 0 0

Click for game summary.

Brewen, Ethen 22Full Back Senior
Gonzalez, Daniel 13Wide Receiver Senior
Grizzanti, Sam 83Tight End Senior
Haynes, Ryan 14Wide Receiver Senior
Houdershieldt, Elijah 66Offensive Line Senior
Jordan, Colin 84Tight End Senior
Kilmer, Isaiah 16Wide Receiver Senior
Menotti, Blake 7Wide Receiver Senior
Myers, Jordan 28Running Back Senior
Rosler, Jake 12Wide Receiver Senior
Sansky, Connor 55Offensive Line Senior
Urbas, Max 71Offensive Line Senior
Camacho, Isaiah 6Wide Receiver Junior
Compton, Kaemon 51Offensive Line Junior
Keller, Jaiden 76Offensive Line Junior
Kilhullen, Joshua 11Full Back Junior
Korty, Brendan 75Center Junior
Kuna, Keagan 88Tight End Junior
Lee, Damion 25Wide Receiver Junior
Myers, David 3Wide Receiver Junior
Balderas, Cole 10Full Back Sophomore
Colvin, Hadr 70Offensive Line Sophomore
Engroff, Lucas 23Tight End Sophomore
Kirby, Jahquest 20Full Back Sophomore
Lynch, Aiden 47Wide Receiver Sophomore
Martinez, Joel 26Full Back Sophomore
McKenzie, Daron 15Wide Receiver Sophomore
Oakley, Stephen 19Wide Receiver Sophomore
Ramos, Dominion 18Wide Receiver Sophomore
Roman, Francisco 1Wide Receiver Sophomore
Spinelli, Mateo 54Center Sophomore
Travis, Mason 56Offensive Line Sophomore
Voglino, Caedon 5Quarterback Sophomore
Wiggins, TJ 21Kicker Sophomore
Becchetti, Cole 2Quarterback Freshman
Haight, Lee 69Offensive Line Freshman
Hazleton, Ronald 72Offensive Line Freshman
Hoffman, Matthew 24Wide Receiver Freshman
Mursch, Peter 78Offensive Line Freshman
Sopko, Ayden 73Offensive Line Freshman

Season offense stat totals
PlayerRush AttRush YdsRush TDsReceptionsRec YdsRec TDsPass CompPass AttPass INTsPass YdsPass TDsExtra Pts MadeExtra Pts AttFGs MadeFG Att2-point conv. rushes2-point conv. receptions2-point conv. passesFumbles returned for TDKickoffs returned for TDPunts return for TDReturnsReturn Yardage
Rosler, Jake6513-2000000000000000000
Gonzalez, Daniel00011297600000000001000000
Kilmer, Isaiah5-5000000000000000000000
Brewen, Ethen195837918211101000000050000000
Haynes, Ryan414000000000000000000000
Myers, Jordan381500343000000000000000000
Roman, Francisco251271453000000000000000100
McKenzie, Daron31108100000000000000000000
Oakley, Stephen00000000000000000000000
Camacho, Isaiah11000000000000000000000
Myers, David213000000000000000000000
Kuna, Keagan000223100000000000000000
Roche, Chayse01000000000000000000000
Balderas, Cole1485200000000000000000000
Voglino, Caedon1388000000000000000000000
Becchetti, Cole381271000264753983000010100000
Wiggins, TJ000000000006110000000000

Season defense stat totals

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Retrieving standings...
(L) = in-league record. (O) = overall record.
RankTeamW (L)L (L)W (O)L (O)Dist. Pts.
1 Abington Heights 00220
2 Delaware Valley 00040
3 Scranton 00400
4 Scranton Prep 00310
5 Valley View 00310
6 Wallenpaupack 00310
7 North Pocono 00310